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The Dirizon consortium plans on participating in the following events:


CEDR  2017 Automation Call: Final Conference

November 6th 2020, Virtual Conference (Hosted by FFG)

The results from the DIRIZON project, along with the results from the other projects, MANTRA and STAPLE, funded under the CEDR 2017 Automation Call, were presented to an online audience consisting of members of the CEDR PEB, CAD Working group, academics and other industry professionals at a virtual final event.

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CERI 2020 Annual Conference 
(Hosted by University College Cork, Ireland)

August 27th to 28th 2020, Virtual Conference


The Civil Engineering Research Association of Ireland (CERAI) was formed in 2012 for promoting civil engineering research and practice in Ireland, and its communication to academics and practitioners. The CERI conference is an annual event which addresses a wide range of research topics within the field of Civil Engineering in Ireland. ROD presented an overview of the DIRIZON project and results to date to an online audience of academics and Industry professionals at the virtual CERI 2020 Annual Conference.

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Dirizon Consortium Meeting

6th & 7th April 2020, Virtual Conference


The third DIRIZON consortium face to face meeting was due to take place in AustriaTechs head office in Vienna, however due to travel restrictions in place, the meeting was held virtually. It was attended by consortium partners TNO (project Coordinators), ROD, AustriaTech and AlbrechtConsult. Partners provided an update on work completed to date and discussed the planning of the activities to completion of the project in late 2020.


FEHRL Joint Dissemination Event

3rd March 2020, Brussels, Belgium

Since Connected and Automated Vehicles is a critical issue for the mobility of tomorrow and the supporting infrastructure, FEHRL took the initiative to organise the event called ‘’Joint dissemination of H2020, CEDR projects and other initiatives related to CAVs and Infrastructure. Numerous relevant projects presented their main results and had a Workshop on ‘’Going beyond and deliver a clear distinction between research and deployment activities.


2019 Annual ITS Conference, Ireland

November 13th – 14th 2019, Enfield, Co. Meath, Ireland

ROD-IS General Manager Mark Tucker presented an overview of the DIRIZON project to an audience of approximately 80 ITS and CAV professionals.


DIRIZON Consortium Meeting

Consortium Meeting, 16th April 2019, ROD Offices, Dublin, Ireland

The second DIRIZON consortium face to face meeting took place in ROD’s head office in Dublin and was attended by consortium partners TNO (project Coordinators), AustriaTech and AlbrechtConsult. Partners provided an update on work completed to date and discussed the planning of the activities remaining.

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CAD Working Group Meeting, Tallin

6th-7th March, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia


The DIRIZON project was represented at the Tallinn workshop by TNO, the purpose of which was to align and launch the project work packages on data needs, stakeholder relationships and views, digital platform and business models, and ensure alignment on use cases. Approximately 30 CAD/CEDR members took part in the workshop which focused on;

  • identifying the different roles to be filled in the use cases

  • Assigning the actors/organisations to the different roles, from different  delivery perspectives (Public/Road Operator only, Road Operator-private cooperation, market-driven)

  • Collecting input on data and data sources relevant to the different use cases (incl. the data providers for each data category)

  • Collecting views on the preconditions/prerequisites on data exchange

  • Identifying opportunities and risks with respect to security/data protection, privacy, architecture and governance

  • Developing perspectives on what aspects the NRAs can cooperate in realizing the use cases in Europe


CAD Working Group Meeting,  Oslo

6th, 7th, November 2018, Norwegian Public Roads Administration, Oslo, Norway

At an early stage in the project, a set of Use Cases relevant to Digitilisation and Automated Driving were proposed  which would form the basis on which the Roadmap for identifying key areas of operation of NRAs in respect of Automated Driving and Digitalisation would be formulated. To ensure the relevance and validity of the selected Use Cases, the proposed use cases were presented by DIRIZON partners TNO and ROD to members of the PEB and CAD working Group at this CAD working group workshop. Based on the input received, the Use Cases were refined and described in more detail for use in subsequent activities.  


DIRIZON Kick off Meeting

26th September 2018, TNO Offices, the Hague, the Netherlands

The first DIRZON consortium face to face meeting to take place was held at project coordinators TNOs offices in the Hague, the Netherlands and was attended by the project partners, ROD, AustriaTech, AlbrechtConsult and associated partners HERE Technologies. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss and develop a coordinated approach to the activities and input required from each partner to achieve the objectives of the project.

© 2019 Dirizon. 

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