Project Description
(advanced options for authorities in light of automation and DIgitalisation hoRIZON 2040)
The Digitalisation of road networks and the rapid developments in Automated Driving will affect the core activities that NRAs carry out, offer new (business) opportunities and provide NRAs with new and more efficient ways to achieve goals for road safety, traffic efficiency, the environment and customer service.
Dirizon is a two-year project funded under the CEDR 2017 Automation call which commenced in September 2018, and aims to assist the NRAs in moving towards the Digitalisation of their road networks and Automated Driving. The DIRIZON project’s goal is to support NRAs in identifying how these developments will affect their operations and their interaction with other actors.
In order to achieve this goal, the project will;
• Determine the implications of digitalisation and automated driving on use cases, and their consequences on data needs and requirements for both the NRAs and for a data-exchange platform;
• Understand the current and future relationships with other actors in the area of data exchange and how these relationships may evolve in the future;
• Understand the current and future roles and responsibilities of NRAs and other actors in respect of digitalisation and automated driving;
• Determine the requirements for data-sharing platforms;
• Explore business model archetypes for the exploitation of a data exchange platform;
• Develop a step-by-step transition towards full digitalisation of NRAs road networks;